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    Why China Scuba Diving?

    First-hand information about excellent dive destinations

    Only top-rated dive centers and itineraries are selected. Each destination offers a diverse variety of unmissable, unforgettable features.

    Private tours & flexible dates@group prices

    Private tailor-made diving trips are made available to you at extremely competitive prices. We customize each tour for you to suit your individual dates and other requirements.

    Prioritize safety and environmental conservation

    As a Divers Alert Network (DAN) supporter, we emphasize diving safety and seek to raise environmental consciousness.

    How to choose a dive destination

    With so many great dive destinations around the world from which to choose, deciding where to go on your next trip can feel daunting. Throwing a dart at a map and heading wherever fate leads you might sound like a thrilling notion, but for most of us, a successful dive trip requires a bit more planning to ensure a fun and successful experience


    Divers' Tips

    A real diver never stops learning and growing. Here are 10 bits of gold from PADI dive professionals for honing your skills, improving your performance and having more fun down below.


    Diving Safety

    We all know that there’s some risk involved in diving. For many of us, the challenge of preparing for and dealing with potential problems is part of the sport’s attraction.


    Diving Insurance

    "Do I really need this?" the caller asked. She was asking about dive insurance--coverage for rescue, medical and transportation expenses in case she got bent on her upcoming dive vacation.


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